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Power Healing Massage for Trauma Recovery

This is a BOLD New Offering to utilize when something BIG is on your mind. 

The 90 minute service includes 60-75 minutes of a quiet full body massage where I gauge where stress is being stored in your body the most. 

In the remainder of time, we utilize elements of guided meditation and or Reiki to decipher what the concerning issue is really about. 

How we resolve the concerning matter is an individual experience and no two situations are entirely alike. If there's a strong emotional charge, we'll neutralize it with a special kinesthetic exercise. If there's a limiting belief or an overprotective emotion from a past experience, we'll transform it into an empowering one. 

The end result is feeling relaxed, empowered and confident to move yourself forward with guaranteed supports in place. 

It's like nothing else and requires verbal or written consent. 


Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is mental hygiene, how does this process work?
A: Just like the body can hold on to physical trauma, so can the mind. I use PSYCH-K® with clients to release those points of tension which otherwise block from leading a happy fulfilling life. PSYCH-K® empowers individuals to choose their new beliefs and aligns the superconscious mind with simple and effective balances. 
Q: How do I know that will work for me? 
A: Very simply with a muscle test. The subconscious mind is designed to operate in the present tense. A muscle test will quickly reveal a clear yes or no response. 
Q: What if I'm not available to meet in person?
A: We can work together over a video connection. 
Q: How long does a session last?
A: Typically up to 90 minutes at a time. Work can be done even more quickly. Pricing is based on value and effectiveness, rather than amount of time taken to achieve results. 
Have more questions? Contact me here for a consultation
To learn more about PSYCH-K® click here
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Ultra Connected Wellness
Ultra Connected Wellness
Ultra Connected Wellness

Get into a state
of balance

Address all areas of tension, pain and trauma for optimal emotional and physical well-being, and maintain results by choosing the best method for you .

Ultra Connected Wellness
Ultra Connected Wellness
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